Monday, January 25, 2010

Quite Distracted By: Back Pain

I have heard the screams of outrage from my loyal, hypothetical readers, wondering where I have been.  Unfortunately, where I have been is in a decent amount of pain from a back injury.    However, even in my suffering, I have been thinking about Under the Dying Sun.  I am working on getting a face-to-face play-test going in March.  I have one very enthusiastic player and we're going to go fish for some more.  Meanwhile, the Play-by-Post play-test continues to be quite useful.  Finally, art is picking up steam.  I've had some nice pieces donated to me by some lovely folk.  I have also been coordinating with a professional artist to do some Brom-like pieces for the cover and the early sketches are great.  So, with a little help from my facet joints, I should back to real work soon.


  1. Thanks for the update and take care of yourself.

  2. Back pain can be very easily corrected. I've just written a book on how to do so,if you'd like to check it out. Especially if this is your first episode, it would be a good idea to understand why you're having the pain. I wish you the best.
    Rick Olderman

  3. Thanks for the concern folks. It's not the first episode, but I think that I have a much better grasp of it now. Medical doctors weren't much help over the years, but I'm getting much better results from chiro.
