Thursday, February 25, 2010

Geekery: Referee's Screen

In preparation for my table-top play-test next week, I put together an Under the Dying Sun screen from a tequila packing-box (that seemed appropriate).  I'm no crafty-guy, so I just taped some print-outs of the cover and other evocative pictures on the front and put the combat and wound tables on my side.  It's delightfully amateurish and I may marry it.


  1. I recently did the same for my LL game, but I was too stingy to print out nice pictures for the players, so they have to look at a plain piece of cardboard box instead. Does the job and has all the info I need. :)

  2. The lack of pictures (especially considering the tequila box factor) is insufferable!

  3. Insufferable? Nah, it's practical. I have kids in my gaming group and pictures distract them. The amount of times a game ground to a halt while they discused the pictures on the back of the original 1e screen, it drove me crazy. :)

  4. I think Blair meant a lack of pictures on my part. Now rectified.
